duminică, 6 februarie 2022

Delicious Vegetarian Asian Salad

   In winter hearty meals are quite often the go-to ideas in our household because we want to counterbalance the cold outside, but sometimes, even in the dead of winter I feel I need a veggie break and this is how this recipe was invented: a bit of online research, finding a sauce and then Oli's creativity :) It's so delicious I promise you'll want to have it again and again! Let's learn how to make it!

Ingredients for 2 servings:
*It's difficult to estimate the exact quantities of the veggies, so just use a little bit of each and add more at the end if you feel like it, otherwise you'll have enough to feed an army and you don't want that :P

- Noodles (2 nests /100g)
- Shaved red and green cabbage
- Shredded carrot
- Chopped green onion
- Julienned red pepper
- Steamed broccoli (or celery) cut into very small florets *steam just for 2-3 min so that it's not raw, not soft, but still crunchy
- Chopped unsalted peanuts

- 2 Tbsp oil
- 2 Tbsp rice vinegar
- 2 Tbsp peanut butter
- 2 Tbsp soy sauce
- 2 Tbsp honey
- 2 tsp sambal oelek/sriracha
- 2 tsp grated ginger
- 2 tsp grated garlic

1. Chop the veggies as indicated above and steam the broccoli. Mix in a bowl.
2. Make the sauce.
3. Boil the noodles as written on the package. Drain and set aside.
4. Add the noodles and the sauce on top of the veggies and mix well. Bon appetit!

joi, 7 octombrie 2021

Double Chocolate Raspberry Muffins


   I saw this recipe made by a friend and it looked sooooo good I immediately wanted to make it myself. I got hooked on the chocolate and raspberry combo but I decided to switch the shape from regular brownies to muffins because they look more appealing. 
  Conclusion? This recipe is definitely worth making! The muffins are decadent, sooo tasty and super eye candy! Lots of people have asked me for the recipe and the ones who tried it were wowed by the taste:D
   So, here's what you need to know:

Ingredients for 12 muffins:
- 180g butter
- 180g dark chocolate chips A (60-70% cocoa content)
- 215g white sugar
- 150g eggs (3 medium eggs)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 130g all-purpose flour
- 2g salt
- 80g dark chocolate chips B (60-70% cocoa content)
- 80g fresh raspberries

Note! I bought special chocolate chips for this but at the end of the day your favourite dark chocolate works just as well. 

1. Combine the butter and chocolate chips A in a bowl. Place over a hot water bath and melt until smooth and even.
2. Remove from heat and allow to cool down for 10 minutes then stir in the sugar. Mix well.
3. Add the eggs, one by one, mixing well. Stir in the vanilla extract.
4. Add the flour and salt and mix until combined.
5. Spoon the batter in a cupcake tray.
6. Sprinkle in the chocolate chips B and the raspberries.
7. Bake in the preheated oven at 175C for 20 minutes.
8. Allow to cool down completely before serving. Bon appetit!

luni, 23 august 2021

Dutch Baby or Baked Pancake

   Morning, lovelies! Are you big fans of pancakes in the morning? I know I am! Anca Cheregi posted this recipe of a lazy version of the pancakes called Dutch baby, basically the same thing as a German pancake (the misprononciation of the word Deutsch ending up in Dutch). It has the same texture as a clafoutis, so if you like that, you'll surely like the Dutch baby! Let's have cake for breakfast! 

   I have to say from the get-go that I replaced the ricotta cheese in the original recipe with mascarpone because for some reason I don't like ricotta and I had leftover mascarpone at home anyway, so you can choose the original ingredient or mine, it tastes divine either way! 

  Please note that:

- the pan you use must be oven resistant. Make sure it doesn't have a handle or other plastic components. Ideally it would be a skillet, but it doesn't necessarily have to be made of cast iron or iron, a normal daily frying pan with a metal handle also works.

- the pan must be preheated in the oven for about 5-6 minutes. When handling it, keep in mind that you are working with a hot pan, so kitchen gloves are absolutely mandatory and even so please be careful when handling the pan in and out of the oven! I burned my arm without wanting by touching the inside of the oven. 

- This crazy pancake will grow a lot vertically. After removing it from the oven, it deflates, but anyway, it is safest to put it in the middle or at the bottom of the oven.

   Let's get cookiiiiin!

Ingredients for 4 servings:

- 4 large eggs
- 30g butter
- 160ml milk
- 80g flour 
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- a pack of vanilla sugar
- 200 / 250g ricotta OR mascarpone (depending on how much you find in the store, any option is ok )
- 60g powdered sugar
- the peel from an untreated organic lemon
- a handful of raspberries, blueberries and blackberries, washed and dried

1. Preheat the oven to 230C. Heat the pan (oven resistant, without a plastic handle!) in the oven.

2. Melt 15g of butter in the microwave and mix (ideally, in a blender or food processor) with eggs, milk, flour, salt, cinnamon and vanilla sugar. Allow the dough to rest until the oven heats up. 
Observation: I thought the dough was too runny and I added a bit more flour (about 20g), but maybe 80g is ok in the end...

3. When the oven is well heated, put the remaining 15g of butter in the pan and let it melt, even burn a little. With gloves and great care, remove the pan from the oven and pour the pancake batter. Put a few blueberries and blackberries on top, especially in the center. Put the pan in the oven on a lower step (to allow it to rise vertically) and bake for at least 15 minutes, until golden, beautiful and raised. 

Here's mine:

   Once removed from the oven, the pancake will deflate, but it will still be absolutely delicious.

4. Beat the ricotta or mascarpone with the powdered sugar and (optionally) the lemon peel until it becomes smooth and fluffy (I didn't beat the mascarpone too much not to ruin its texture). 

5. Spread generously over the pancake, and decorate with fresh fruit. Bon appetit!

duminică, 18 aprilie 2021

Poppy Seed Coconut Extravaganza


   Some recipes have way too many good ingredients that would take a looong line to name them all in the title, so I'd rather stick to how this delicious dessert looks like to me: an extravaganza :D 

   I found the recipe randomly on Facebook here recommended as an Easter dessert to get rid of the egg whites you might have leftover from making other cookies or cakes (Romanians like to bake a lot for Easter AND Christmas). In my case, I had to improvise with a recipe using the egg yolks as I was set on trying out this particular recipe in the first place. 

   I've never baked a cake with poppy seed before even though I know I love the taste of it! Coconut is from the getgo one of my fave and the chocolate mousse on top is very familiar to me :D I decided to only make half the recipe for starters but I already know I'm going to make it again! :D Let me show you how to make it:

Ingredients for half the recipe (12 pieces):

For the base:

- 4 egg whites

- 88g sugar

- 25g flour

- 25g poppy seeds

- 50g coconut

- peel and juice from 1/2 lemon

- 2,5g baking powder

- a pinch of salt

For the syrup: (don't make more, or else your cake will be TOO moist)

- 60ml of water

- 1 Tbsp sugar

- a splash of lemon essence

For the cream:

- 100g dark chocolate

- 25g white and milk chocolate

- 100 ml whipping cream

- 125g mascarpone

- a pinch of salt


Making the base:

1. Bring the egg whites to room temperature and sprinkle a little salt over them, then mix them with the mixer until they make a foam.

2. Gradually add the sugar and lemon juice and continue to mix until you get a firm meringue.

3. Incorporate the flour together with the baking powder, then add, lightly mixing with a spatula, the coconut, grated lemon peel and poppy seeds.

4. Line the base of the tray with baking paper, and grease the inner walls with oil and sprinkle sugar on them. The sugar sprinkled on the walls of the trays has a beneficial effect in taking the cake out of the tray after baking. This way it will not stick to the tray walls at all.

5. Spread the egg white composition with poppy seeds and coconut in a small tray (since we're only doing a half recipe) and put it in the preheated oven at 180 degrees, for about 20 minutes or until it passes the toothpick test.

Preparing the syrup:

Boil the water together with the sugar and at the end add the lemon essence, then let the syrup cool.

Preparing the chocolate cream: 

1. Heat the whipping cream to near boiling point and add the broken chocolate pieces in it.

2. Stir vigorously until the chocolate melts, then let the cream cool down completely (you can also put it in the fridge for about 10 min to speed up the process).

3. Incorporate the mascarpone in the cream and add a pinch of salt to intensify the taste. Mix with the mixer until you obtain a wonderful cream.

Assembling the cake:

When the base has cooled down, put the syrup over it, then portion it (you can use a circular cookie stencil or just cut it in squares) and then decorate each portion with chocolate cream. 

You can sprinkle whatever you want on top to make it look more attractive. I chose coconut flakes, but you can also grate some white chocolate :D

Bon appetit!

marți, 6 aprilie 2021

Deconstructed Stuffed Potato with Egg


   I looove hash browns in the morning and if there's salame, egg and cheese involved, I'm sold! :D I found this recipe on Lara's Delish Instagram account a few days ago and I tried it for the first time today! I really liked it and it reminded me and my husband of a deconstructed stuffed potato so that's what we're going to call it from now on! :D So, let's see how to make it:

Ingredients for 2 servings:

- 3 medium potatoes, skin on

- 2 Tbsp olive or sunflower oil

- Salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder

- 3 green onion stems, sliced (or a small white onion)

- 2 cloves garlic, sliced

- a few thick slices of your favorite salami (I used Chorizo), diced

- 2 eggs

- some grated hard cheese you have in the fridge (cașcaval)


1. Turn on the oven at 250 degrees C on the ventilation function.

2. Wash the potatoes well and cut them into small cubes (max 1cm). Wipe the potatoes with paper towels and mix them with oil and the spices (you can add, as desired, other spices / herbs).

2. Transfer the potatoes to a large tray, arranging them in a single row. Put in the preheated oven for 15 min. (If they start to brown too quickly, lower the temperature.)

3. Meanwhile, fry the green onion, the garlic and the chopped salami in a little oil over medium heat for a couple of minutes. 

4. After 15-20 minutes (the potatoes should be almost ready), turn the oven to 220 degrees. Remove the tray and add the salami with green onion and garlic. Put the eggs on top and then put the tray back in the oven for 5-10 minutes or until the eggs are ready.

5. Add the cheese and leave for another 1 minute and then remove the tray. Et voila! Bon appetit! :D 

P.S. I recommend eating this dish with pickles! :D

vineri, 26 martie 2021

Linzer cookies with plum jam

   I wonder how you choose the recipes that intrigue you the most and make you say "Yes! I want to try this!" In my case, it's very easy. Do they have my favorite ingredients? Check! I don't even care very much how easy or difficult the recipe is, if the picture looks promising, I'll definitely try it! :D This is also the case with this recipe from Teo's Kitchen

    I noticed that ever since I'm pregnant I have a soft spot for plum jam and I want to try lots of recipes with it:)) This dessert is definitely worth it! I have to warn you though: while making the dough is not difficult at all (although beware of its consistency, I had to add more flour afterwards), making the cookies and putting them together was a long, tedious process because the upper cookie has a "window" and the nuts on top have to only go on the edge of the cookie, not cover the jam. Mmmmyeah, if you want to make this recipe make sure you don't have anything else planned for the day and just take it slow and enjoy the process :) You'll surely enjoy the result, too! ;)

Ingredients for about 20 cookies:

- 200g flour (you might need more if the dough ends up too soft like mine)⠀

- 100g powdered sugar ⠀

- 1 teaspoon vanilla essence⠀

- 100g almond flour ⠀

- 150g soft butter (room temperature) ⠀

- 2 eggs (1 whole egg + 1 egg yolk) ⠀

- a pinch of cinnamon powder ⠀

- 200g plum jam

- coarsely chopped hazelnuts, almonds or walnuts (I used walnuts)⠀


1. Using a stand mixer, mix butter + powdered sugar + vanilla until you have a foam. 

2. Put the egg + the yolk. Mix some more. 

3. Add the white flour and the almond flour and mix until you form the dough. 

4. Put the dough in the fridge for 1 hour. ⠀

5. Take the dough out of the fridge and cut it into 2 pieces. You will have to make two sheets: one for the "full" cookie and one for the "window" cookie.

6. Roll both sheets of dough for about 1/2 cm. Make sure your dough is not breaking apart. I used more flour than the recipe requested to make the dough easy to work with, otherwise I couldn't unstick the cookies from the table. So play around and see which consistency works best for you. 

7. Make the cookies using a bigger round shape and then a smaller one for the "window" of the cookie on top. 

8. Preheat the oven at 180°C, then put the cookies together. Make sure you can easily "transport" the cookies in the baking tray without breaking, then add the plum jam (be generous) and the "window" cookie on top. 

9. Brush all the cookies with the remaining egg white, then sprinkle the nuts on the edge of each cookie.

10. Bake them for 20-25 min et voila! Bon appetit! :)

duminică, 21 martie 2021

Creamy Tomato Salmon with Chorizo and Mario's Pasta Salad


   Anna's table (hover over the name to find the original link) was once again the inspiration for this dish! Anything that has chorizo, sun-dried tomatoes and a creamy sauce makes me say "I'm IN!" and when this is paired with salmon... color me intrigued. This dish was my first red sauce salmon dish and I'm not looking back! I loved it so much I had to share it with you! 
     Even if the original recipe says you can eat it simply paired with bread, we decided to make Mario's pasta salad as a side. Who's Mario? Our Airbnb host from Bologna who made this pasta salad for us and we've been making it back home ever since! :D
    I'll say one thing: sure, maybe you don't have chorizo or sun-dried tomatoes lying around in the fridge, but even if you have to go the extra mile to get some of the ingredients, it's definitely worth it! I'd make it if I wanted to impress some guests ;) Yep, it's THAT good :D

Ingredients for 3 servings:
- 3 salmon fillets (150-200g each) - skin removed
- 100 g spicy Spanish chorizo sausage, diced
- 3 Tbsp olive oil
- 4 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 shallot, finely chopped
- 400 ml tomato sauce
- 200 ml light cream
- 40 g grated parmezan
- 120 g semi sun-dried tomatoes
- 1 tsp chili flakes
- 2 tbsp fresh chopped oregano
- salt and black pepper

Mario's salad:
- aprox. 200g pasta of your choice
- 5-6 cherry tomatoes
- 1 medium carrot
- 1 cornichon cucumber
- a small can of corn
- fresh basil

Dressing for the pasta salad: 
- 4-5 Tbsp olive oil
- mayo to taste
- 3 anchovies

1. Heat the oil in a large non-stick frying pan over high heat. Add the chorizo and cook, stirring frequently, for 3–4 minutes or until golden and crispy. Remove, leaving the oil in the pan and set aside.

2. Pat the salmon fillets dry with a paper towel and season all over with salt and pepper. Add to the same pan and sear, about 3-4 minutes on each side. Remove from the pan and set aside.

3. In the same skillet, add shallot and garlic, cook until softened, about 2 minutes. 

4. Add tomato sauce and bring to a simmer, allow to cook for 5 minutes.

5. Boil the pasta for the salad. Peel and cut the veggies for the salad.

6. Returning to the main dish: stir in light cream, parmesan, oregano and sun-dried tomatoes, simmer for about 3 minutes. 

7. Season with salt, pepper and chili flakes. 

8. Add salmon back into the skillet. Allow to cook for 3 more minutes or until the salmon is just cooked through and the sauce is slightly thickened.

9. Serve the dish topped with fresh oregano and crispy chorizo. 

10. Mix the veggies and the pasta to make the salad. Serve as a side. Bon appetit! :)