vineri, 14 iulie 2017

Mediterranean Cajun Chicken Drumsticks

   I know, spring has passed and now summer is here and it looked like I abandoned you guys. Not true. I just had some pretty intense couple of months and no OMG recipes to share, but fear not, the day has come for yet another OMG recipe!
   My motto with this blog was that I would only share brilliant recipes people MUST try. Not OK, not pretty good, not average but absolutely delicious recipes. You'll probably say you can't always find OMG recipes and you're right. That's why, I prefer quality over quantity. I'd say it's a pretty good trade-off, right?
   Now let's get started! This recipe was inspired by a delicious one made by my wedding godmother consisting in baked chicken drumsticks and cherry tomatoes. I forgot all the rest, but thank God cooking means improvising because creativity is exactly what made this recipe come together into a mouth watering feast! I just finished eating it and I still have its aftertaste in my mouth! Such an amazing, rich sauce, tender meat, plump baked tomatoes, sweet pepper and onion and then... there's the fresh telemea. Oh My God! You really REALLY must try it!

Here are the ingredients for 2 servings:
- 600g of chicken drumsticks (5 pieces)
- a pack of Cajun Marinade from American Week @ LIDL (you can still find it in stores, so rush!) or a simple cajun rub with pepper, garlic powder and some oil
- a red pepper
- 2 medium red onions
- about 8 cherry tomatoes
- a big piece of  fresh "telemea de vaca in saramura" from Delaco (It MUST be this one! It's absolutely addictive!) - foreigner friends, sorry, you don't know what "telemea" is since it's a purely Romanian type of cheese, but you can replace it with Feta cheese with no problem

Reference photos:
Even if it says it's enough for 350g of meat, believe me, it will do just right with 600g as well.


1. Cover the chicken drumsticks in decadent marinade and leave them soaking overnight (if you have time), otherwise, just put the marinade on the chicken and let it sit for a few minutes.
2. Put a bit of oil in a cooking tray.
3. Cut the red pepper in long stripes, then Julienne the red onions.
4. Add the pepper, onions and cherry tomatoes in the tray. Just randomly sprinkle them around.
5. Add the marinated chicken on top of the veg. Casually sprinkle a bit more oil on top of everything. 
6. Cover the tray with aluminum foil then put the whole deliciousness in the oven for 45 min at 220ºC. 
7. Cut the fresh telemea while you're smelling the amazing flavour coming from the oven.
8. Plate your dish: chicken, veg, fresh telemea and plenty of that amazing brown sauce! Mmmmm! Bon appetit!

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