joi, 5 decembrie 2019

Oli's Meatball Pasta

Ingredients for 4 servings:
- 400g Fusilli pasta or your preferred pasta
- 800 g tomato pasta sauce (or home made tomato sauce)
- 450 g ground pork
-150 g ground beef
- 1 medium onion, finely diced
- 1 egg
- 100g bread ground up into bread crumbs
- a handful of fresh sage, finely chopped up
- a handful of fresh basil, finely sliced
- salt and pepper to taste
-100 ml water (when you cook the meatballs)
- grated parm cheese (to sprinkle on top)
OPTIONAL: garlic bread

1. Place ground pork, ground beef, diced onion, egg (whole egg), breadcrumbs, chopped sage, salt and pepper all in a bowl and hand-mix thoroughly, until everything is evenly mixed.
2. Make meatballs that are slightly larger than a golf ball.
3. Put the Fusilli pasta to boil until it is al dente.
4. Place the meatballs in a hot frying pan with a bit of oil.
5. Cover the pan with a lid so that the interior of the meatballs also gets cooked.
6. Rotate the meatballs to a different side every few minutes, so that all sides get evenly seared.
7. Once all sides are evenly seared, add 100 ml of water into the pan and cover it again. This will allow the inside of the meatballs to cook without the outside getting burned.
8. Once the water has completely evaporated, add all the tomato sauce into the pan and cover it again. I used a combo of store bought and home made tomato sauce (Romanian bulion), but you don't have to complicate your life like that :P

9. After about 6-7 minutes, add the thinly sliced fresh basil and also check the interior of the biggest meatball to ensure it is completely cooked.
10. If it is cooked, take the pan off the heat.
11. Mix with the Fusilli pasta.
12. Add some pepper and grated parm cheese on top of each individual plate and bon appetit! :D

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