joi, 11 iunie 2020

Guacamole Egg Toast

Hey, friends!

Lately I've fallen in love with this simple yet absolutely addictive breakfast recipe. So much so that I keep craving it every other day! Since it's mouthwatering, healthy and super easy, I thought I'd share it with you! ;)

So here goes:

Ingredients for 2 toasts:
- 1 ripe avocado
- 1 medium tomato
- 1 small red onion
- a bit of lime or lemon juice
- salt and pepper
- 2 eggs
- 2 slices of bread
- Chipotle flakes or Chilli flakes

1. Make the guacamole by peeling the avocado, then mashing it down with a potato masher. Then dice the tomato and the onion, add the lime juice, salt and pepper and mix everything.
2. Poach your eggs or simply put a bit of water in a pan then add the eggs and cook them like a regular sunny side up. Season with Chipotle or chilli flakes.
3. Toast your bread.
4. Assemble: toast, guacamole, egg.

Eggcelent breakfast, I'm telling you! Bon appetit! :D

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