miercuri, 1 iulie 2020

Oreo Chocolate Strawberry Cake

   You know that moment when you see videos of uber delicious recipes online that you drool at by just looking at them and then you dream them at night until you put them into practice. This recipe is one of those :))
   I think I can pretty much sum it up into: Oh My God! I haven't tasted something this good in a while! I really expected it to only look good in a video and that's all, but this time it also worked wonders in real life too. Might have helped that I followed this recipe closely so I used good quality chocolate and the exact amounts as specified. Either way, YOU GO TRY IT! It's Dana approved!:D

Ingredients for 10-12 servings:
330g Oreo cookies
110g butter, melted

Chocolate Filling
200g milk chocolate
100g bittersweet chocolate
200 ml heavy cream

300g fresh strawberries
chopped nuts (almonds, pistachios, etc) - optional

1. Place oreo cookies into the bowl of a food processor and blend until crumbs form. 
2. Add melted butter and pour over the crushed cookies. Process until evenly moistened. 
3. Press cookie mixture with the back of the spoon and your fingers where necessary  into the bottom and edges of a rectangular 5x14 inch (12 x 36 cm) tart pan or a regular round tart pan. 
4. Freeze until you prepare the filling, just for few minutes.
5. In a small saucepan, place cream over medium-low heat for a few minutes to get hot. No boiling or simmering needed. 
6. Remove from heat, pour over chopped chocolate and let rest for 1-2 minutes. 
7. Stir until dissolved.
8. Pour chocolate filling over oreo crust. 
9. Top with fresh strawberries and chopped nuts.
10. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight before serving.

Bon appetit! :)

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