miercuri, 8 iulie 2020

Sour cherry brownie bundt

   What do you first think of when I tell you ”sour cherry dessert”? My answer: always a brownie. I just love love loooove chocolate desserts so it's understandable why I chose to bake this for International Chocolate Day a few days after I had picked my own sour cherries :D 
   I found this recipe online on a Romanian blog I follow quite often for new ideas. It always delivers and I'm never disappointed. Today I chose to bake this brownie in a bundt pan because I wanted a smaller quantity and I also wanted it to be pretty. So? Shall I tell you how to make it? Don't worry about the many steps, it's actually quite easy to make, trust me! :D

*I used half of the original recipe for this bundt, but if you want to bake a whole rectangular 35 x 25 cm pan, double the quantities
- 3 eggs
- 100g sugar
- 25g dark chocolate
- 25g butter 82% (and some butter for the bundt pan)
- 15g cocoa
- 40g of flour
- a pinch of salt
- 1 packet of vanilla sugar
- 300 g pitted sour cherries

1. First of all, preheat the oven to 170C with ventilation (medium stage for gas ones). Then melt the chocolate and butter on bain marie (bowl placed over the pot in which the water boils). Leave to cool.

2. Separate the eggs. Beat the egg whites well with a pinch of salt. (You can use an electric mixer like I did.)

3. When the foam is hard, add 100g of sugar and continue beating until you get a hard, dense and shiny foam (if you turn the bowl over your head, the foam doesn't fall on your head :P).

4. Mix the yolks separately with 100g of sugar and vanilla sugar. Mix until you get a foam. 

5. Add the melted chocolate and butter (which has cooled a bit and no longer burns) and mix until smooth.

6. Sift the flour and the cocoa through a sieve. It's very important to do this if you want a perfect, fluffy brownie.

7. Add the flour and cocoa over the egg yolk and chocolate mix.

7. Then gradually add the egg white foam and mix lightly with a spatula. Be careful not to crush the egg whites. 

8. Spread butter all over the inside of the bundt pan so that your brownie won't stick when it's ready.

9. Pour the composition into the bundt pan and smooth with a spatula.

10. Place the sour cherries on the dough one by one. Mix them with the dough slowly, using a spatula. If you don't want sour cherries in your bundt, you can leave them on top. I like mine to be all over the brownie when I bite into it :D

11. Put the bundt in the preheated oven at 170C (heat up + down + ventilation) respectively the middle stage in the gas ovens. Bake the cake for 25 minutes. Then reduce the heat to 150C and bake it for another 15-20 minutes.

12. When it's done, let it cool for a bit, then turn your bundt upside down and ta-ra! Here's your cake!

13. Serve with ice cream! Yummmmmm! 

Bon appetit! :D

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