vineri, 19 februarie 2021

Plum jam brownie muffins


You know that moment when you scroll aimlessly on Instagram and you suddenly see a recipe that leaves your mouth watering and you know you have all the ingredients at home? That happened to me with this recipe I found on Corina Ureche's Instagram account. It was originally posted as a brownie recipe, but since I decided to half the recipe I realized it would look better in the shape of muffins and I really like the result! It's such an easy and great looking recipe! You must try it! :)

Ingredients for 6 muffins:
- 100g dark chocolate
- 50g butter, diced
- 2 eggs
- 60g whole wheat flour
- 45g (brown) sugar
- plum jam

1. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt it on low heat in Bain Marie (Double boiler), stirring often. Add the diced butter.  Let it cool down.
2. Mix the sugar and eggs on high speed for a few minutes.
3. Add the chocolate and butter mix.
4. Add the flour and mix everything.
5. Preheat the oven at 180°C. 
6. Pour the dough into the muffin papers in the muffin tray.
7. Level and put some teaspoons of jam on top. Mix lightly enough to add a little sweetness to the dough.
8. Bake for 18 minutes (maximum). Bon appetit! :)

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