joi, 3 august 2017

Thai Beef and Pineapple Red Curry

   Oh my God, you guys! Tonight I reached culinary Nirvana once again. You know a recipe is good if it makes it on the blog. If I had tried it in a restaurant I would have totally wanted to make it at home! It's the best combo between Lidl, Auchan and a friend's pineapple :))) I know it might sound weird but bear with me. It all started from randomly finding a red curry marinated beef @ Asian week at Lidl, then receiving a fresh pineapple from a friend and looking up recipes that contain those two ingredients. That's how we found this amazing Martha Stewart recipe (who doesn't love Martha?) and then we ended up in Auchan to buy the rest of the ingredients: more red curry paste and coconut milk. Auchan has a great variety of International ingredients! You'd be surprised! (For foreigners, Auchan and Lidl are two supermarkets found in Romania.)
   I just LOVE how Oli and I find new absolutely mouthgasming recipes so randomly. Or maybe it's fate? Hmmm... Let me bring fate in your life by giving you this amazing, MUST TRY recipe:

Ingredients for 2 servings and a bit of leftovers:
- 1 Tbsp vegetable oil
- 1/4 cup red curry paste (@Auchan)
- 1 pound sirloin steak, trimmed and cut against the grain into very thin strips
-  225g green/yellow beans, trimmed and cut in half crosswise
- 2 cups large diced fresh pineapple (fresh is always king, even though it might seem like a pain in the ass to peal it)
- 1 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken broth
- 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk (@Auchan)
- cooked jasmine rice, for serving
- 1/2 cup fresh basil leaves, torn (dry basil is OK as well if you don't have fresh one)

1. In a large skillet or wok, heat oil over medium-high. 
2. Add curry paste and cook, stirring, until fragrant, 30 seconds. 
3. Add steak and cook, stirring, until browned, 2 minutes. 
4. Add green beans and pineapple and cook, stirring, until pineapple starts to release juices, 1 minute. 
5. Add broth and coconut milk and bring to a boil. 
6. Reduce heat and cook at a rapid simmer until green beans are crisp-tender, 8 minutes. 
7. Serve over rice, topped with basil. Bon appetit! :)

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