luni, 31 august 2020

Easy Tuna Deviled Eggs


   At my brother's recommendation, for the first time in my life, today I made deviled eggs stuffed with tuna instead of paté. OMG!!! Why haven't I done this sooner??? What have I been waiting for? I think the easiest explanation is that once you're born a Romanian you will associate deviled eggs with paté all your life and you would end up losing so many flavours! This absolutely exceptional, super duper easy recipe made me want to reinvent Romanian dishes by switching one or two key ingredients and just give them a refresh! I feel so inspired! 

So let me tell you how to make this dish yourself:

Ingredients for 6 deviled eggs (2 people):
- 3 medium eggs
- a can of good quality tuna, sifted - without the brine or oil 
- 7 Tbsp mayo mixed with greek yogurt (Choose to make your own mayo, it's always better!)
- spices: paprika, chili

1. Boil the eggs for 8 minutes.
2. Half the eggs and take the yolks out.
3. Blend the tuna with the egg yolks and a tablespoon of mayo and yogurt mix.
4. Stuff the egg halves with the tuna mix using a teaspoon then turn them upside down.
5. Pour a tablespoon of mayo on every deviled egg.
6. Sprinkle some paprika and chili for extra zing. Bon appetit! :D

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